Saturday, December 1, 2007


These pictures illustrate what I feel about December. Dreary, cold and harsh. It normally doesn't snow much in southern Illinois until January, so until Christmas or snow, my photos might look depressing. Can't wait to post photos of little crocus flowers and daffodils coming through the soft spring soil.


DonnaMarie said...

I don't care for winter either since the sun is not shining and it gets dark this time of year by 4:30pm. I hate ice and snow so that adds to my dislike of this very long season.

I do however love the sunny, sparkly days when my kids go outside and play king of the mountain or tunnel with the dog in the snow drifts.

hennery said...

That sounds fun: playing king of the mountain and tunneling with the dog in the snow drifts. We rarely get enough snow to TUNNEL in! I'd get out there with 'em to tunnel!

Frankly a good snow helps! Usually we get ice in place of snow, pretty, but treacherous.

I think I deal with bleak better if I tackle it head on and BE bleak. If I try to be jolly and sunshiny I fail. If I give in to my shallowness of mood being controlled by the season I feel much better about myself. It's the gloom of the season and not a defect in my character.