Thursday, May 1, 2008

Good Girl, Scare Snake!! This black rat snake was outside the duck house this morning waiting for Niel to let him in to have some eggs for breakfast.

The pictures below are Ping on her nest with Fred her constant companion guarding her. If you can see a brown chicken egg in with the white duck eggs beneath her, we didn't put there. Evidently one of the hens thought Ping wouldn't mind at all as long as she's sitting.

The other photo is the three guineas that the boys gave me for Mother's Day. The lightest chick will be pearl colored, the medium is supposed to grow up to be "purple" and the darkest one is supposed to be a typical brown guinea.


Marilyn@A Mixed Bouquet said...

Oh, yuck! I hate snakes. That's a big one, too.

DonnaMarie said...

That is an incredible picture showing your beautiful dog as a protector. Yucky snake! It really is a big one. :O

Sharon said...

I HATE REPTILES, snakes being among the most abhorred.
So did the dog do away with the snake or did you? :)
I've heard that guineas are good "watch dogs" and also eat "stickers" "goat heads". Is that so?

Sharon said...

Good Gretchen!!!!!!

hennery said...

"stickers" and "goatheads"? LOL! What part of the country are you from?! Oh wait, I know!!

Guineas are supposed to be good at getting rid of ticks. Honestly, I think the ducks and chickens have been helping too, because we haven't had any tick problem in our yard.

We have never had guineas. We're enjoying getting to know them. They run as one connected unit---shoulder to shoulder and when they run they DASH!! Comical in a different way from our other poultry.

Mama said...

When we lived in the country, our neighbor had a lot of guineas. They were so noisy but I've heard they eat a lot of bugs so that's a good thing! That snake is scary! Also, I need your email so I can add you as a reader to my blog. :-)