Saturday, December 15, 2007


We had a very fun evening. Isaac was in the Madrigal at the high school. The performance was lovely and the food was good.

Isaac was the guy who announced the food (?) I think he was called a surveyor. He was a very handsome Lord.

After the Madrigal we found that it had started snowing---our first snow this winter. I was thinking of posting a photo of our snow, but it's kinda whimpy, so I'll post the non-whimpy sunrise we had recently instead.


DonnaMarie said...

Beautiful sunrise shot! Can't see the sunrise very well from our home but sunset can be an awesome sight to behold.

hennery said...

Thank-you! This particular sunrise was on November 28, I remember because it was my brother in law's birthday. The sunrise called attention to itself by casting a magical golden glow through the venetian blinds.

P.S. Donna...I'd have thought you'd be bored of my blog by this time! Hugs to you! :)

DonnaMarie said...

Bored? NOT. I come here to relax!