Wednesday, August 22, 2007

School Daze

School has begun. I'm even taking a class this semester. English 102 on line to work on getting a BSN someday.

Quinn has started his second year of college.

Isaac's a senior in high school.

Niel is a 5th grade home schooler.

I'm kinda busy these days, even working an extra day each week, so might not get too many updates in bloggy-world here.

Here's a picture of what my college classroom looks like when I get up in the morning.


Kristi said...

Dear Sue,

Your doilies are amazing (I didn't know you crocheted!), your butterfly photos are amazing! And your blog is so . . . so "you!"

What kind of camera do you have?

Just had to stop by and say hello - your letter arrived and made my day. Expect a reply soon!


hennery said...

Hey, Kristi---you make me blush! Thanks for peeking in.

Our camera is a cheapo HP digital camera and it does almost everything I want it to do. The only thing that I'd improve if I could is to give it more zoom power. It has 3X. I'd like to do more bird photos. The butterflies, at least, sit still while I get the camera on top of them. The birds don't cooperate as well.

I can't wait to hear from you again!